06-12-2023 - 07-12-2023

Director Medical PP Manju Prasad has been doing this project for 10 years. last 3 years in Kolhapur. This year it was held at the Hanuman Mandir, Panand, Kolhapur. Our partner is Ratnanidhi Trust, Mumbai. 127 benefecieries, came for Measurement camp. They will recieve, artificial limbs, crutches , wheel chairs and Walkers, what ever the requirement. 4 Rotarians and four Anns worked hard for the camp.

Public Image Avenue Details

Start Date 06-12-2023
End Date 07-12-2023
Cost 400000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Ratnanidhi Trust
Category Electronic medium- radio/theatre advertisement/ cable tv